Home Artists JoeH Done queues Sakura's Advanced Medical Training

Sakura's Advanced Medical Training

Hi JoeH, can you remake this as Sakura Shippuden Version with her hair picked and headband please? This is the main reference link https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10727547 and this second reference would be for the hairstyle I would like Sakura to have https://rule34.us/index.php?r=posts/view&id=6738332 Thanks again JoeH I look forward to it! 🙂


To Artist: JoeH

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  • DuckDodgers92: Oh and keep her breasts size small like the reference, thank you! 🙂
    10 Aug 2024 10:38
  • DuckDodgers92: Sorry just to avoid confusion the main reference to be remade is the very first one... the double anal one. 🙂
    10 Aug 2024 06:04
  • DuckDodgers92: Just incase here's a better reference for Sakura's Hairstyle with the Headband 🙂 https://rule34.us/index.php?r=posts/view&id=5241364
    10 Aug 2024 05:54