Home Artists Shiva Done queues Riding daddy

Riding daddy

Hey Shiva, Could you please draw Himawari riding adult Naruto in a position like this https://jerking.empornium.ph/images/2024/07/08/Snapshot.png They are on a bed in the bedroom. Himarawi is with her usual short haircut and small loli breasts (smaller than reference). She is looking at the viewer shyly, blushing hard, her lips are parted in a moan. Please "zoom out" a bit, so that her feet are more in the center of attention. It's Naruto just by his skin color and bandaged right arm. If possible make him a bit bigger, so there is more size difference. And please make him a bit more in shape :) Thank you


To Artist: Shiva

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  • uzumakimira99: Better reference https://jerking.empornium.ph/images/2024/07/08/Snapshot_2.png
    8 Jul 2024 19:35