Home Artists Shiva Rejected queues Hail to the Shadow Kage

Hail to the Shadow Kage

This image (https://s.sankakucomplex.com/data/c9/b2/c9b20d93df5af462b905fec0bafdaa0b.jpg?e=1707461750&m=zZgjJdsxfK53JE5RZpTJfQ) Exept replace the guy with Boruto Shikamaru (Grabing both of there Thick ass's left eye winking and smoking a cigarette) and the green haired girl replaced by Tayuya (same expresion and postition angry & naked) and the red haired girl replaced by Boruto Temari (the same position exept her right arm and facial expresion looking like this (https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1347312962504192001/G0dxa76f_400x400.jpg) looking at Tayuya also naked.


To Artist: Shiva

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  • Slothking: Well this is my last month then I have seen pics made that more then 2 and now you say say only 2? see ya later 🤬
    13 Feb 2024 05:41
  • Shiva: 2 characters only, sorry.
    11 Feb 2024 22:04