Home Artists JoeH Tsunade Selfie

Tsunade Selfie

Characters: Tsunade,

Tags: Tsunade, Narutopixxx,

12 March 2020
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  • Cg5711: Sd
    26 Feb 2021 17:24
  • Tyrion: Hi, remember members also are people who pay and must wait to get their requests done, But for Rex many members is not people, they are just a some kind of issues, if you wanna know who is they are then just open any of his "accepted lists" and you'll see the answer plus a few very unlucky members who doesn't exist for him. Only a single request from his accepted list had been considered since October and that's was another request from Crayon, and by the way Rex had stopped to do requests from...
    his accepted list when Crayon had started to spam the suggestion box with a dozens requests by using a stolen names of others members only because Crayon's is much more important to Rex than requests from accepted list Blatant favoritism is not own issues of Rex, that.s his own personal choice
    16 Mar 2020 17:21
  • testrowan: hi, remember artists also are people and they have their own issues with whats going on with the current situation in the world, this is affecting all of us.
    16 Mar 2020 11:43
  • Tyrion: Well job HK, Now artists are doing less members requests with the new rules than few months before, Rex and JoeH not more than two members requests per week, when Jeppu not even a single per month. In the time when fucking coronavirus provokes a global economic crisis and soon people will start thinking seriously whether it's worth paying 30$ a month for your premium subscription or better spend these money for something truly important when your artists doing everything to help people make the...
    right decision but that choice will not be in your favor @HK Admins maybe a time when you need to talk seriously with your artists and explain to them that their current methods of working are a bit wrong until it's too late
    15 Mar 2020 12:36