Home Artists Rex Sari's Anal Desires

Sari's Anal Desires

Tags: Sari,

31 March 2015
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  • Natanek: The way I see it, Sari's seiyuu isn't working with studio Pierrot anymore. Hence, when Sari appears, she doesn't speak anything. That's why Yukata was created. Also, due to how dumb and clueless Yukata appears in fillers, I'm glad that Sari is not in her place. I'm yet to see the pixx of these 3 together.
    7 Apr 2015 08:03
  • Westes: Sari kinda got replaced by Yukata as Matsuri's friend (not sure if they really were, though). She does appear in the chuunin exam filler, but we haven't heard any dialogue from her yet, and I doubt we ever will. Why didn't they make it so all 3 of them were a group of friends :[
    6 Apr 2015 20:25
  • Natanek: Yay! It was long time since we saw Sari pic from rex!
    6 Apr 2015 19:16