Home Artists Rex Ride Em Good Granny

Ride Em Good Granny

Tags: Tsunade,

30 June 2010
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  • josh: como quisiera q tsunade me estuviera asiendo brincos en mi paloma
    15 Mar 2011 01:57
  • Dumbledoor!: The ultimate Milf! She and Mei Terumi are the hottest females in Naruto, without a doubt.
    2 Jul 2010 09:39
  • Cloud Ruler: Hmmm, big titted blond riding, there's nothing better then this.Me like ♥_♥
    1 Jul 2010 13:59
  • Cavpal: Wow! She's so sexy...thank you Rex, for making my dreams come true!
    1 Jul 2010 13:47
  • Captain Sensei: Loue Tsunade pics how bout u do my suggestion of her? its in the suggestion box and in comments in a few pics from a while back. please make it rex please.
    30 Jun 2010 22:42
  • konanlover: Emperor Veles: write a story with Konan pleazeeeee!:D
    30 Jun 2010 20:45
  • TheDoc: You forgot the lipstick. :P
    30 Jun 2010 19:57
  • Emperor Veles: "Come on and put my feeling into it!" The guy said while Tsunade was riding him. She bit her lip and did as he asked. The other guys in the room chuckled as they watched a Legendary Sannin grind her hips. She hated them and wanted to put them through the wall, but she couldn't. Their boss sat comfortably in his chair, waving a wad of slips, "Ah Ah Ah, don't give us that look. You still have these many, many IOU's that you still need to answer for. Now, continue but with more love..." His s...
    adistic smile gleamed in the darkness where he sat. She growled, but submitted and continued riding one of the man's servants. "I can't believe this! I'm fucking a Kage and she's really tight, too." "Yeah, she better do what we want or else...her whole village will know how she's resettling the debt." "You won't!" She shouted and the boss snickered. "Now, now. We won't tell anyone. Bad for business, you see. But my boys needed a well-deserved reward and you're not leaving here until all of them are serviced...ten times each." Tsunade gasped for she just started with the one she was on. As the men laughed, Tsunade turned to the man inside her and continued grinding her hips reluctantly, knowing now her fighting spirit was broken.
    30 Jun 2010 18:39
  • zetsu1: Rex you are a beast!!! :) Please do Kushina and Naruto where you get a great view of her tits!!
    30 Jun 2010 17:37
  • wolf191000: Rex great work. But PLEASE could you make my requst of Naruto fucking Fuu and call it "Jinchuuriki's Pleasure" and they both have at least 3-Tails of Chakraa PLEASE.
    30 Jun 2010 17:01
  • Kal: Tsunade and super hot
    30 Jun 2010 16:17